Reading College LLD/D Students MERL Workshop 19.05.14

During our session we continued to test and finish our sensory objects.The video below shows Rachel testing her Pink Pig in a Bucket.

Robyn helped our Co-researchers create different smoothie recipes and we all taste tested them, some of them used herbs planted and grown in boots by our Co-researchers. At our event Buckets, Baskets and Boots on June 9th at MERL our Co-researchers will be making the following smoothies for visitors to try:

Smoothie making

Smoothie making

Apple juice
Crushed ice
(strawberry garnish on rim of glass)
Fresh apple juice
Iced tea
Fresh mint from our wellie garden
Crushed ice
(sprig of mint to garnish)
Freshly squeezed orange juice
Crushed ice
(orange slice garnish on rim of glass)
Freshly squeezed orange juice
Soda water
Crushed ice
(orange slice garnish on rim of glass)

After a lovely farmers lunch provided by Robyn eaten outside in the sun we tried out another sensory object called Hoofy Horse, this was inspired by Rachels picture with the invisible  horse in MERLS collection.

Rachel as horse with invisible horse

Rachel as horse with invisible horse

We had made the sound of horses hooves using coconut shells so we decided to use some pressure sensors to make a clip clop sound, testing of this is shown in the video below.

We also looked at some images of our Co-researchers meeting a rabbit during one of their lessons at Reading College they are planning to visit a pet shop to learn all about domestic pets. The picture below shows the rabbit with Skye and Guillermo.

Skye and Guillermo with rabbit

Skye & rabbit

Skye & rabbit

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